The scalable 401(k) built for franchises
Get one easy-to-use 401(k) for all your locations — all while meeting state mandates.
Get one easy-to-use 401(k) for all your locations — all while meeting state mandates.
Guideline plans are flexible and simple. They make it easy for our employees to set up a 401(k) that works for them... We’ve grown 300% across 3 different businesses. Our Guideline 401(k) is a perfect fit for all of them.Client of Guideline. Views may not be representative of other clients.
See why 50,000+ businesses trust Guideline
Our two-way payroll integrations automatically sync payroll and employee data. No manual updates or eligibility tracking required.
Offer your employees an affordable, modern way to invest in their financial future — with lower fees and guided investments.
Get a single point-of-contact throughout the transfer process and the life of your plan.
Call or email quality customer support — our annual plan sponsor customer satisfaction score is 93%.3
Hear back from our team quickly — we average a 4 business-hour response time.
Streamline and scale your 401(k) with Guideline
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