Start saving right away — enjoy $0 base fee for 12 months
Help meet your state retirement mandate with a simple, powerful Guideline 401(k), and get 12 months with a $0 base fee.1
Help meet your state retirement mandate with a simple, powerful Guideline 401(k), and get 12 months with a $0 base fee.1
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The Illinois Secure Choice program was established in 2018. It requires Illinois employers with 5+ employees that have been in business for 2+ years to offer the state-sponsored plan or a qualified alternative like a Guideline 401(k).4 Compare your options
Initial deadlines have passed, sign up immediately to avoid penalties
Meet the mandate and more with a Guideline 401(k)
Get started in 20 minutes. We’ll help you choose a plan that meets the mandate and your business’s goals.
Our custom built integration with Gusto means no need to maintain deductions or manually re-enter payroll data.
You and your team get access to live support, guided employee onboarding, a mobile app, and more.
Retirement plan type
Starter 401(k)
Roth IRA
Maximum employee contributions for 20245
Employee asset-based fee
($15 for every $10,000)6
($30 for every $10,000)7
Additional active employee fees
$16/year account fee
(charged quarterly at $4 each quarter)
Monthly employer fee
$39 / month + $4 per participant
(get $0 base fees for 12 months)
Investment options
(Including Indexed Funds)
Employer match
Professionally managed portfolios
Profit sharing
Stay compliant. Set up a Guideline 401(k) in just 20 minutes.
Our experience with Guideline has been exceptional. Proactive communications, easy-to-use interface, and support that’s both fast and detailed.Client of Guideline. Views may not be representative of other clients.
Get a retirement plan you and your team will love
The Illinois Secure Choice Program was created to encourage more people to save for retirement. It requires Illinois employers with 5 or more employees to provide access to a retirement plan. The plan can either be a private plan like a 401(k) or the state-sponsored plan.
For companies with 5 or more employees, the program is fully active.
You are eligible to participate in the Illinois Secure Choice Program if:
Yes. Employers will be subject to a penalty equal to:
Yes. All of Guideline's 401(k) plans are designed to satisfy state program requirements and are priced to be affordable for businesses of all sizes.
While it is possible for a plan to convert from a Starter 401(k) to a standard 401(k) plan at Guideline, the transition cannot take place until the beginning of the next calendar year. Learn more here.