Managed portfolios
Start investing with a guide
We’ve created 6 different managed investment portfolios. Each one is diversified and aligns with a range of ages and risk tolerances so you select what works for you.
Managed portfolios
We’ve created 6 different managed investment portfolios. Each one is diversified and aligns with a range of ages and risk tolerances so you select what works for you.
We do not at this time. We keep fees low by building the portfolios ourselves, while providing the flexibility to choose investments that serve a shorter or longer term investment strategy. Read more here
No, Guideline does not accommodate for outside brokerages and trading of individual stocks. Participants will be able to choose their investment options from our Fund Menu or select from one of our managed portfolios shown above.
As a robo-advisor, once a 401(k) plan participant completes a simple questionnaire, Guideline recommends one of our six professionally managed portfolios composed of mutual funds via our proprietary software. Guideline does not provide individual investment advice.
Yes, each eligible employee will have access to their own personal Guideline dashboard, where they will be able to view the details of their retirement savings and choose how to invest.
When setting up their Guideline 401(k) account, they will be asked to complete a questionnaire which will then suggest one of six Guideline Managed Portfolios to them, ranging from conservative to aggressive. Alternatively, they can choose to build their own portfolio from our fund menu. They can change their deferral amounts and investment choices at any time.